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Mormon. Husband, and Father. Graduate student pursuing a Master's in nutrition.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sawyer Measured Small(er)

Last week we went to the doctor for a checkup. Sarah was finishing her 36th week, and at that point she should have been measuring 36 cm from top of her belly to the bottom. She measured 33. Although baby's heartbeat was right where it needed to be, and his movements were as frequent as they should be they still insisted on a 2nd ultrasound just to take measurements of baby and make sure.

That appointment was today. The girl who did the ultrasound asked if we wanted 3D images while we were there. We, of course, said yes. After she took her readings, the doctor came in to look ever everything. Baby is perfectly fine. The Doctor was bummed his interns weren't there so he could show them how clear the anatomy of Sawyer's heart was. To make up for their absence he talked up the quality of the arteries, highlighted the heart changing some setting so we saw lots of colors, then attempted to show us the anatomy which we understood not a word of. He then told us that Sawyer's size was "in the 31st percentile". Sarah looked this up, and it basically means that only 30% of women at Sarah's stage of pregnancy are her size. The other 70% are larger. something to that effect. So, he is smaller, but he is not "small". We just simply won't be having a 9 lb baby which is no complaint to Sarah.

Sarah has had a surprising increase in energy and has been able to work out about 3 days a week. The only thing holding her back is her sore pelvis and butt. Doctor said her ligaments are loosening up for delivery and you can imagine the soreness that would ensue.

To sum this up, baby is fine, and we are about 2 1/2 weeks to his due date. Today we put his car seat in the car. Oh, and as for me, classes are going fine, 1st exams were this week, and I'm in good health too.

Maternity Shoot!*
We've got a few of these little rubber mustaches that we're
going to glue to his pacifiers.

So hot right now.

It took her a while to get the shot. She kept poking Sarah's belly
with the sonogram thing so he'd move his hands away. He was
squirming here, and that's why the left side is unclear.

*Rebecca Stephan did the maternity pictures. Here is her blog and a bit about the shoot.

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