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Mormon. Husband, and Father. Graduate student pursuing a Master's in nutrition.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Rain, Laundry, and Heavy Eyelids

It's at that hour where it's as late as it is early; it's late as far as when I should have been asleep, and it's early as far as a new day is concerned. It's raining outside, we have clean laundry at the feet of our bed (we love to sleep with fresh laundry), and my eyelids are the heaviest they've been in a long time.
WE'RE PREGNANT! Was that subtle enough? We've known since about 5 weeks and are now broadcasting it. The estimated due date is October 22, 2012, and it's as firm an estimate can be. We have now had our first ultrasound and sport our gummy bear baby picture on our refrigerator, and we've gotten to hear the heartbeat twice: 160 beats/minute.
More on the creation of a blog, and the pregnancy (discovery) later. Suffice it to say the blog is something that I think can make me a better person.

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